Zeppelin University
The major questions that we are facing - both at present and in the future - are too complex and interlinked to allow for a unidimensional answer. The increasing social, political, economic, cultural, ecological, and medial interlinking of our world requires a place of common discourse.
University Bridging Business, Culture, and Politics

Why ZU?
The major questions that we are facing - both at present and in the future - are too complex and interlinked to allow for a unidimensional answer. The increasing social, political, economic, cultural, ecological, and medial interlinking of our world requires a place of common discourse. And the university is this place. It has a special function in the 21st century:
LakeCampus at Seemooser Horn, located right on the shores of Lake Constance.

It has to be a place where every question is allowed. It has to be a place of freedom and a place of personal development. It has to be a place of intellectual discourse that brings scholars, students, and society together. It has to be an active part of society, an impact on society, and contribute to solving social and societal questions. It has to be interdisciplinary, yet at the same time rooted in academic disciplines.
This is exactly the reason why Zeppelin University was founded - and deliberately as a foundation university. It sets itself apart as - since its founding in 2003 - interdisciplinarity has been engraved into its DNA. Thinking in a problem- and solution-oriented way between business, culture, and politics, and not just being stuck in social thought patterns and academic disciplines opens your perspective on socially relevant solutions.
This is the approach that defines us here at ZU. Together we start out to think beyond borders. It is a great privilege to shape this unique educational institution together with other parties. Students, scholars, the administrative staff, and our sponsors and partners all act in concert and in open exchange to fill this idea of our university with life.

The role model for our actions is Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, after whom we are named. He was a pioneer of aviation. With his strong will, he held on to his idea of conquering the skies - even though he faced setbacks. He believed in himself and in his vision. And he reached his aim:"You only have to want it and believe in it, and then it will succeed." For us, this is more than just a nice-sounding sentence. It is the maxim that we act on.
It is our main task to offer students, scholars, and members of staff the unique chance to develop their skills in such a way that they are able to reach their own goals and to find solutions to the challenges of our times. This is the orientation of all structures and processes of ZU: interdisciplinary, in an inspiring community, with a lot of room for personal development, and a great pioneering spirit.
Whether we will be able to answer all questions of today and tomorrow - this is something we are not sure of. Yet, we are sure that we want to try. And if we only want this strongly enough, it will succeed.