Masters in Municipal Engineering
Ostrava, Czech Republic
1 up to 2 Years
Full time
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CZK 50,000 / per semester
The field of Urban Engineering hides the issue of decision-making about the placement of buildings and water supply, electricity, gas, drainage, etc. To solve these problems, it is necessary to know all technical and non-technical possibilities in the territory, composition of population needs and legislation. The field also deals with the environment and landscape. The view is focused not only on the surroundings of the buildings but also on the interiors where it is necessary to respect the regulations so that, for example, a mother with a baby in a stroller can freely move inside of building. This is a very diverse field where graduates gain very interesting jobs in the state and private sectors. Very often, they become heads of departments and project managers.
The regular period of the study 1.5 years
1. Semester
- BIM in Construction I
- Emergency Conditions and Water Supply Management
- Energy Performance of Buildings
- Management and Analytic Creativity
- Municipal Engineering
- Public Infrastructure I
- Spatial relations in the urbanised area
2. Semester
- Design of Urban Roads
- Investment Processes
- Principles of Sustainable Urban Development
- Project
- Public infrastructure II
- Structural and economical construction preparation process
- Water in the Public Space of Settlements
3. Semester
- Construction Law in Municipal Engineering
- Development and reliability of technical infrastructure construction
- Diploma thesis
- Planning of Traffic and Area Servicing
- Technical Aspects of Territorial Regeneration
Program Outcome
Hard skills
- Line constructions
- Spatial analytics
- Urban planning
- Facility management
- Building permits
- Planning
- Construction management
- Typology
- Property management
Study aims
The aim of the study is to educate staff in the field of urban engineering. Graduates will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the following areas: creation of concepts of solution of territorial-technical problems and concepts of development of technical equipment of the area; methods of prognosis of further development; transport and technical servicing of the urbanized area (through transport systems, transport buildings, transport engineering, water engineering); management of investment processes; and areas of co-ordination of the integrated technical service of the urbanized area. Graduates will also acquire the necessary knowledge from the field of engineering urbanism.
Graduate's knowledge
The study program is based on a common knowledge base, ie on the theoretical and professional construction and technical disciplines, which are developed in the area of territorial technical and regional development and in the field of public infrastructure (Act No. 183/2006, § 2). Urban engineering is based on several interrelated themes:
- technical and transport infrastructure (technical service of urbanized areas)
- Territorial-technical issues (urbanism and spatial planning issues)
- General technical requirements for construction and barrier-free environment of buildings
- Management of investment processes focused on comprehensive technical service of settlements
- facility management (asset management and public infrastructure operation).
It includes a methodology for solving and deciding on technical-ecological issues related to the planning, development and subsequent operation of cities and municipalities. It covers aspects of the overall concept of sustainable development of the urbanized area, including in particular the issues of spatial planning and public infrastructure.
Graduate's skills
Graduate of the study program is a specialist in urban engineering, able to respect both the technical aspects of the city's operation and other aspects that substantially affect the functionality and usability of technical solutions, especially aesthetic and cultural aspects. To take into account these aspects, it uses the knowledge of public infrastructure - the technical and transport infrastructure, the public space and the civic amenities. The diploma thesis is focused mainly on the issue of the public infrastructure of towns and municipalities and on the functions of the territory and the city, ie the technical, aesthetic and cultural factors influencing these functions. The graduate will find work in both design offices, construction sites and construction offices.
Graduate's general competence
The graduate will be able to perform individual activities within the above-mentioned professional areas and participate in the implementation teams for comprehensive solutions of large-scale orders. He/she will be able to solve the tasks and coordinate, plan, implement, organize and decide construction activities and work, whether directly in construction or project and construction practice, especially in the field of technical engineering. After completing other conditions, the graduate may be authorized in the field of urban engineering (CKAIT) and become involved in the lifelong learning system. Graduates of the follow-up Master's program may continue to take up the postgraduate study program in Civil Engineering in the study profile of subjects in the field of urban engineering.
Career Opportunities
- Specialist of technical building investigation
- Construction manager
- Cost Engineer
- City Planner
- Planner
- Construction supervision
- Construction Office Clerk
- Facility manager
- Project Analyst
Graduate's employment
A graduate of this study program will be involved in the preparation, design, implementation and maintenance of technical infrastructure and facilities as well as administrative activities within the field, both at the regional level and within the whole of the Czech Republic. The graduate is being prepared for the position of a manager, a specialist. In addition, the application will be found in the positions of the technical supervisor of the public works contractor, the building manager, the designer of the buildings and utility networks, the building contractors, the analysts, the building authorities, and the departments of spatial planning or investment departments, etc. Applicability of graduates is in the commercial sphere of investor and supplier companies, in research institutes and centres (ÚÚR, VCPD), in public administration as head of departments (transport, investment), construction offices, and administrators of technical infrastructure.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.