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University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Human Ecology

Human ecology is the relationship between people and their natural, social, and built environments. At Madison School of Human Ecology, students and faculty take a collaborative, systems approach to solve real-world problems and improve lives for kids, families, and communities.

The School of Human Ecology (SoHE) hosts five Centers, referred to collectively as our “Centers of Excellence,” which conduct a variety of scholarly, research, and outreach efforts. These Centers are part of a larger UW-Madison campus-wide network of centers involving faculty, staff, and students from the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts and humanities. Together, the Centers generate, on an annual basis, millions of dollars in extramural research awards. They also play an important role in graduate education and outreach. The SoHE Centers of Excellence specialize in innovative, engaged work that advances the themes and inquiries central to the SoHE Departments, including Civil Society and Community Studies, Design Studies, Human Development, Family Studies, and Consumer Science. We engage a wide variety of affiliates and partners from across campus, industry, and the community – from local to global – in our efforts.

  • Madison

    Linden Drive,1300, 53706, Madison

    University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Human Ecology