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University Of Buenos Aires (UBA)

A new stage in the history of the universities began with the recovery of democracy in December 1983. The government headed by Raúl Alfonsín implemented a program for higher education institutions that began with the appointment of rectors and superior advisory councils that had as a central purpose to initiate a normalization process. At the University of Buenos Aires, Dr. Francisco Delich was appointed to lead the normalization process. In accordance with a decree later ratified by law, the statutes in force until the institutional breakdown of 1966 were reinstated. This new legal framework also contemplated the possibility of challenging the contests held between 1976 and 1983. In this context, it was also promoted, the reinstatement of teachers laid off or forced to resign due to political and ideological issues, and the implementation of competitions understood at that time as the instance par excellence for access to the position of teacher, began. As of mid-1985, the elections of the different cloisters began with the purpose of advancing in the normalization process. At the UBA, this process culminated in March 1986 with the meeting of the University Assembly made up of representatives of the student, graduate and faculty cloisters, who elected Oscar Shuberoff, the normalizing dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, as Rector. The latter would be reelected three times, holding this position until 2002.

  • Buenos Aires

    Viamonte,430, C1053, Buenos Aires

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      University Of Buenos Aires (UBA)