Master in Mechanical Enginneering - Energy, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
Faro, Portugal
2 Years
Full time
04 Apr 2025
Sep 2025
EUR 2,000 / per year *
* for International students| National students: EUR 1100 per year
The Master's Programme in Mechanical Engineering – Energy, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration aims at a deep understanding of the knowledge and skills obtained at the Mechanical Engineering degree (first cycle). The graduates will be able to develop professionally regulated acts, namely by accessing the Qualification Degree E2 established by the Portuguese Engineers Public Association, Ordem dos Engenheiros.
This MSc Programme provides a solid professional engineering specialization, strengthening the graduates’ innovation capacities as well as their ability to integrate knowledge in complex problem-solving with firm autonomy.
Aligned with this professional perspective, the students can choose to develop, as the final phase of their studies, either a thesis of a strictly scientific nature, an original and innovative project or an internship in a company followed by a critical report.
The main objectives of the Master's Programme in Mechanical Engineering – Energy, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration are to deepen the knowledge of Mechanical Engineering subjects, and energy profiles, with a special focus on heating ventilation and air conditioning of buildings, as well as industrial and commercial refrigeration. The students will improve their skills in a vast variety of subjects and will finish the programme with the ability to:
- Solve problems on energy management, renewable energies, energetic and environmental sustainability and numerical modelling.
- Design air conditioning and refrigeration systems, integrating the most advanced technological developments, abiding by the applicable standards and legislation, namely the Energy Performance Certification of Buildings.
- Ensure the maintenance management of physical assets required by the functional needs, complexity and technological dimension of the facilities.
Operating Mode
Classes are held from Monday to Friday, from 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Year 1
1st Semester
- Air Conditioning I
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Design and Systems Integration
- Industrial Maintenance
- Instrument and Control Technology
2nd Semester
- Air Conditioning II
- Combustion
- Refrigeration
- Sustainable Energy
- Turbomachinery
Year 2
1st Semester
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Plan of Dissertation / Project / Traineeship
- Project Management
- Optional Course (2nd Year - 1st Semester)
2nd Semester
- Dissertation / Project / Placement
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The specialized curriculum of this master's programme will allow access to professional activities certified by professional associations, namely:
- Design of HVAC and refrigeration systems
- Energy auditing and energy management
- Maintenance management of systems and facilities
- Research and technological development
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.