Master in Informatics Engineering
Faro, Portugal
2 Years
English, Portuguese
Full time
04 Apr 2025
Sep 2025
EUR 4,000 / per year *
* for International students| National students: EUR 1100 per year
The Master in Informatics Engineering based on the broadband knowledge in computer science obtained in a first degree course, offers advanced training in several areas of computer science. This way, it provides solid training suitable to the work market, also enabling the pursuit of studies at the doctoral level.
The main objective of the Master in Informatics Engineering is to complement the broadband training acquired during a first degree in Computer Science, or equivalent, with advanced training in relevant areas of Computer Sciences and other transversal areas. In particular, the Master shall:
- Meet Bologna's assumptions in its various aspects, including teaching methodologies, length of study cycles, employability and student mobility
- Offer training directly related to the real needs of the employing market
- Capture the interest of the largest possible number of students of the first degree, either from the University of Algarve or from other national and foreign universities.
- Foster the interest in research activities and offer the necessary training to attend a third training cycle leading to a PhD degree.
Operating Mode
Classes take place from Monday to Friday, from 4:00 p.m.
The Master's Degree consists of an organized set of course units corresponding to 90 ECTS credits, and a dissertation of a scientific nature, a project work or an internship of a professional nature, which corresponds to the remaining 30 ECTS credits.
The training model of the master's course is composed of the following groups of optional course units:
- Priority Axis Course Units – A set of course units of three priority axes: Intelligent Systems, Networks and Systems, and Software Science and Engineering, which allow the student to specialize in these topics. The student must take 60 ECTS in this set.
- Nuclear Sciences Course Units – Set of course units considered core in the advanced training of a Computer Engineer. The student must take 12 ECTS from this set.
- Complementary Skills Course Units – Set of transversal and complementary competence course units (soft skills). The student must take 3 ECTS from this set.
- Dissertation/Project/Internship Project – Initial preparation work for a Dissertation or Project Internship, corresponding to 15 ECTS, and carried out under the supervision of a PhD.
- Dissertation/Project/Internship – Thesis of a scientific nature or a project work, original and specially carried out for this purpose, or an internship of a professional nature, subject to a final report, which corresponds to the remaining 30 ECTS credits. In any case, the Dissertation/Project/Internship will be carried out individually by the student under the guidance of a PhD.
Year 1
Semester 1
CN Option 1.1.1.
- Modern Cryptography
EP Option 1.1.2. - 1.1.5.
- Machine Learning
- Software Architecture
- Design of Programming Languages and Compilers
- Internet of Things
- Metaheuristic
- Data Modeling and Integration
- Wireless and Sensor Networks
- Concurrent and Parallel Systems
Semester 2
CN Option 1.2.1.
- Sensors, Data and Image
- Mathematics Topics in Data Science
EP Option 1.2.2. - 1.2.5.
- Deep Learning
- Software Reliability and Security
- Introduction to Cybersecurity
- Computer Games
- Natural Language Processing
- Large Scale Distributed Systems
Year 2
Semester 1
- Dissertation Project / Project / Internship
Option CC 2.1.1.
- Intellectual Property Rights, Protection, and Enhancement of Research
EP Option 2.1.2. - 2.1.3.
- Machine Learning
- Software Architecture
- Design of Programming Languages and Compilers
- Internet of Things
- Metaheuristic
- Data Modeling and Integration
- Wireless and Sensor Networks
- Concurrent and Parallel Systems
Semester 2
- Dissertation / Project / Internship
- Dissertation
- Internship
- Project
- Dissertation
- Internship
- Project
Program Outcome
- The Profile of General Skills of the Master in Informatics Engineering is developed along four fundamental components: (i) To Know (theoretical knowledge), (ii)To Know How to Do (technical-professional knowledge), (iii) Social Know How (Social and relational skills) and (iv) Learning how to Learn (Cognitive skills).
- The Master promotes the development of the general skills of its students in each one of the aspects listed above. In particular:
- Consolidating knowledge in Engineering Sciences and Computer Sciences
- Providing the ability to synthesize and analyze data, develop scientific and technological experiences and solve problems using carefully the available resources, namely those associated with computer resources
- Providing the ability to communicate, oral and written, data, ideas, problems and solutions to different audiences and in particular to audiences specialized in the field of Computer Science
- Fostering a sense of responsibility and professional ethics
- Providing the ability to work as a team and adapt to technological changes through continuous and autonomous curriculum development
The Master in Computer Engineering can demonstrate specific skills in:
- Analysis, design and development of information systems
- Analysis and development of distributed systems and parallel systems
- Relevant Programming Languages and Paradigms
- Information Systems Management
- IT systems project and management
- Advanced topics in network security and cybersecurity.
- Advanced Topics in Information Systems
- Computer network design and management, focusing on the Internet of Things
- Extraction of relevant information from large volumes of data
- Design of intelligent systems for solving complex problems
- Development and training of models using Generative Artificial Intelligence
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The Master Holders in Computer Science from the University of Algarve can integrate staff of companies in the area of Computer Science, performing functions such as:
- Computer engineer
- Computer network engineer
- System engineer
- Knowledge engineer
- Computer security engineer
- Information systems engineer
- Decision support systems engineer
- Information systems architect
- Computer and security consultant
- Specialist in image analysis and synthesis
- Specialist in data mining and analysis
- Specialist in intelligent systems
- Computer science researcher
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.