Master's Degree in Cultural Services
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1 up to 2 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time, Part time
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EUR 854 / per year
Title of title: Master's Degree in Cultural Services (3rd ed)
Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities
Center where it is taught:
Faculty of Humanities
Lugo campus teaching complex.
Date of authorization for the implementation of the title by the Xunta de Galicia: 06/04/2015 (DOG 06/17/2015)
Date of publication in the BOE: 04/14/2016
Date of the last accreditation: 04/30/2015
Responsible for the title:
Title coordinator: Silva Dominguez, M Carme
Teaching conditions:
- Offer periodicity: annual
- Type of teaching: Blended
- Study regime: full tempo / partial tempo
- Languages of use: Spanish and Galician
Interuniversity degree:
Do not
Coordinating University:
- University of Santiago de Compostela
To train high-level specialists in the analysis of various cultural manifestations, as well as in the management and programming of specialized cultural activities and projects: exhibitions, audiovisual shows, heritage, museums, galleries and generalists: managers of local institutions, foundations, cultural companies public and private.
Specialties or itineraries:
The master's degree has two orientations: professional and research. The student must choose one of them.
To obtain the degree through professional orientation, the student must take 24 credits of mandatory subjects, 24 credits of ordinary optional subjects and 6 of External Practices, and the Master's Thesis.
To obtain the title through research orientation, the student must take 24 credits of the mandatory subjects, 24 credits of ordinary optional subjects and 6 of the complementary subject of the Master's Thesis, and the Master's Thesis.
Likewise, the master's degree includes two specialties:
Specialty in Management of Cultural Assets.
Specialty in Management of Linguistic and Literary Heritage.
The student may choose to:
- Obtain a specialty: taking 12 ECTS from the module of that specialty and the other 12 ECTS from the general electives module.
- Obtain both specialties: taking 12 ECTS of each specialty module.
- Take the master's degree without a specialty, taking the 24 ECTS of any of the three optional modules.
Transfer and recognition of credits:
Recognition of credits: consists of the acceptance by a university of the credits that were obtained in official courses, in the same or in another university, and that are computed in other different courses for the purposes of obtaining an official degree.
Transfer of credits: implies that the official academic documents accrediting successive courses for each student will include all the credits obtained in official courses taken previously, at the same or another university, that have not led to obtaining a an official title
Program Outcome
General Competences
- Ability to efficiently manage information coming from different channels for the production of knowledge related to the field of culture.
- Ability to apply the knowledge acquired in the detection and resolution of problems in the specific contexts of their professional field.
- Awareness of the social and ethical responsibilities linked to professional practice and the ability to reflect and critically review existing socio-cultural dynamics.
- Acquisition of skills and work habits that enable self-learning and that promote continuous training (lifelong education (learning for life, according to UNESCO guidelines).
- Acquisition of skills to promote and guarantee respect for Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination and democratic values and the culture of peace.
Career Opportunities
There is an increase in the demand for research and professionalization for the study of cultural problems and dynamics, as well as for the management of all types of cultural goods and services (memories, landscapes, languages, identities, symbols and cultural rights). This master's degree trains specialists in cultural management in a specific field of work (museumisation, cultural management, publishing market, etc.) and also professionals involved in the management of culture in a heritage sense (archaeological, ethnographic, documentary, etc.).