Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial
Móstoles, Spain
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 154 / per credit *
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
The completion of a classic program typically entails earning 120 ECTS credits.
Master's Degree Duration: Two academic years.
Module I: Industrial Technologies, IT (36 ECTS)
It is made up of 8 subjects that cover the 8 specific competencies described in order CIN/311/2009:
- Applied Electrical Engineering. 4.5 ECTS. Skills: Knowledge and ability to analyze and design electrical generation, transmission, and distribution systems.
- Integrated Manufacturing Processes. 4.5 ECTS. Skills: Knowledge and ability to plan, calculate and design integrated manufacturing systems.
- Machine Technology. 4.5 ECTS. Skills: Ability to design and test machines.
- Analysis and Design of Chemical Processes. 4.5 ECTS. Skills: Ability to analyze and design chemical processes.
- Thermal Engineering. 4.5 ECTS. Skills: Knowledge and skills for the design and analysis of thermal machines and engines, hydraulic machines, and industrial heat and cold installations.
- Energy Systems. 4.5 ECTS. Competences: Knowledge and abilities that allow us to understand, analyze, exploit, and manage different sources of energy.
- Applied Electronics. 4.5 ECTS. Skills: Ability to design electronic systems and industrial instrumentation.
- Discreet control. 4.5 ECTS. Skills: Ability to design and project automated production systems and advanced process control.
Module II: Management, GES (15 ECTS)
It is made up of 3 subjects that cover the 8 competencies described in order CIN/311/2009:
- Business Management . 6 ECTS. Competences: Knowledge and abilities to organize and direct companies. Knowledge of commercial and labor law. Knowledge of financial and cost accounting. Capacities for human resources management.
- Production and Logistic Systems. 3 ECTS. Skills: Knowledge of management information systems, industrial organization, production and logistics systems, and quality management systems. Capacities for work organization. Knowledge about occupational risk prevention.
- Project Management and R+D+i Management . 6 ECTS. Competencies: Knowledge and skills of strategy and planning applied to different organizational structures. Knowledge and skills for integrated project management. Ability to manage Research, Development, and Technological Innovation.
Module III: Installations, Plants and Complementary Constructions, IPCC (15 ECTS)
It is made up of 3 subjects that cover the 7 competencies described in order CIN/311/2009:
- Design of Industrial Structures and Constructions . 6 ECTS. Skills: Ability to design and build industrial plants. Knowledge of construction, and building, in the field of industrial engineering. Knowledge and skills for the calculation and design of structures. Knowledge of transport methods and techniques and industrial maintenance.
- Industrial Facilities . 6 ECTS. Skills: Ability to operate industrial plants. Knowledge of facilities, infrastructures, and urban planning in the field of industrial engineering. Knowledge and skills to project and design electrical and fluid installations, lighting, air conditioning and ventilation, energy saving and efficiency, acoustics, communications, home automation, and intelligent buildings and security installations. Knowledge and skills to control facilities, processes, and products.
- Industrial Maintenance. 3 ECTS. Competences: Knowledge and abilities to carry out verification of facilities, processes, and products. Knowledge and skills to carry out certifications, audits, verifications, tests, and reports.
Module IV: Expansion and Leveling, AN (maximum of 30 ECTS)
This block must be compulsorily completed by itinerary 2 students. It is designed to cover the training gaps that the student has corresponding to common subjects of the industrial branch previously completed in the Degree or in the previous training complements, taking the degree as a reference. GITI of the URJC, and in no case will it exceed 30 ECTS. It will be defined by the Master's Academic Committee based on the training for access to the master's degree. However, for the ESCET degrees, 9 subjects have been defined with which both the previous training complements and the extension and leveling subjects of the specific itinerary for each degree of the School can be configured (GIOI, Industrial Organization Engineering; GIA, Environmental Engineering; GIEne, Energy Engineering; GIMat, Materials Engineering; GIQ, Chemical Engineering)
Module V: Specialty (maximum of 30 ECTS)
In the specialty module, a set of subjects are offered, among which the student must take a maximum of 30 ECTS credits, which will reinforce the acquisition of the skills worked on in the compulsory modules. The offer will be grouped into nine specialized blocks of Industrial Engineering: Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Energy Sustainability, Environmental Management in Industry, Materials and Manufacturing, Transportation Engineering, Advanced Production, and Electromechanical Systems.
This module will be taken by students but at different lengths. The students of Itinerary 1 will take the maximum (30 ECTS), and for those of Itinerary 2 the number of credits will be equal to the difference between 30 and the number of credits of the Extension Module that they have to take.
In the event that the student takes 18 ECTS within one of the specialty blocks and develops his Master's Thesis of 12 ECTS in a subject from that same block, said specialty will be reflected in his university degree. If a student takes the necessary credits to cover more than one specialty, they may only have a mention in their title of one of them, as defined by the theme of the Final Master's Project that they carry out.
Grouped into the corresponding nine Specialty Blocks considered. 6 pure Specialties are considered, offering 3 subjects of 6 ECTS credits each. They are the following:
- Specialty A: Mechanical Engineering
- Specialty B: Electronic Engineering
- Specialty C: Chemical Engineering
- Specialty D: Energy Sustainability
- Specialty E: Environmental Management in Industry
- Specialty F: Materials and Manufacturing
In addition, 3 Specialties are offered consisting of a combination of subjects from the above:
- Specialty G: Transportation Engineering
- Specialty H: Advanced Production
- Specialty I: Electromechanical Systems
Finally, it is necessary to take into account the close collaboration established between Rey Juan Carlos University and the University of Alcalá with the Campus of International Excellence "Smart Energy". Among the objectives of this collaboration is to integrate the capacities of both university communities in a training, scientific, and professional development offer around Clean Energies and "Smart Cities", which opens a framework of academic collaboration that allows expanding the offer for students of both universities.
In this context, in addition to the specialties offered at the ESCET of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at the URJC will be able to access the optional subjects that the University of Alcalá offers to the students of its Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering. These subjects are grouped into two specialties:
- Robotics and Perception
- Smart power generation and distribution
In the same way, the students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Alcalá will be able to access the optional subjects of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at Rey Juan Carlos University.
To facilitate the teaching of these optional subjects, so that students from both Universities can attend without traveling, you can make use of the twin classrooms for te-le-teaching that exist at both Universities and that have been installed with the help of infrastructures from the Campus of International Excellence "Energy Intelligent". Both classrooms have compatible technologies equipped with streaming systems to be able to record and broadcast classes in real-time. The adaptation and recognition of credits taken by students between both universities will be carried out in accordance with the agreements and regulations in force at both universities.
Program Outcome
Basic Skills
- CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context
- CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
- CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
- CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions, and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them, to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
- CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous
General Competences
- CG1 - Have adequate knowledge of the scientific and technological aspects of mathematical, analytical, and numerical methods in engineering, electrical engineering, energy engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, continuous media mechanics, industrial electronics, automation, manufacturing, materials, quantitative methods of management, industrial computing, urban planning, infrastructures, etc.
- CG2 - Project, calculate and design products, processes, facilities, and plants.
- CG3 - Direct, plan, and supervise multidisciplinary teams.
- CG4 - Carry out research, development, and innovation in products, processes, and methods
- CG5 - Carry out strategic planning and apply it to both construction and production, quality, and environmental management systems.
- CG6 - Technically and economically manage projects, facilities, plants, companies, and technology centers.
- CG7 - Being able to perform functions of general management, technical management, and management of R+D+i projects in plants, companies, and technology centers.
- CG8 - Apply the knowledge acquired and solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader and multidisciplinary contexts.
- CG9 - Being able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
- CG10 - Knowing how to communicate the conclusions –and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them– to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
- CG11 - Possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a self-directed or autonomous way.
- CG12 - Knowledge, understanding, and ability to apply the necessary legislation in the exercise of the profession of Industrial Engineer.
Transversal Competences
- CT1 - Apply scientific, mathematical, and technological knowledge in systems related to the practice of engineering.
- CT2 - Design and conduct experiments, and analyze and interpret data
- CT3 - Design a system, component, or process that achieves the desired requirements taking into account realistic economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturing, and sustainability constraints.
- CT4 - Work in multidisciplinary teams.
- CT5 - Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
- CT6 - Understand ethics and professional responsibility.
- CT7 - Know how to communicate effectively.
- CT8 - Being able to integrate knowledge to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global social context.
- CT9 - Develop continuous learning skills.
- CT10 - Possess knowledge of contemporary issues.
- CT11 - Employ modern techniques, skills, and tools necessary for the practice of engineering.
- CT12 - Direct, organize and plan projects and human teams in the field of the company, and other institutions and organizations.
- CT13 - Apply the knowledge acquired to develop creative engineering solutions.
Specific Competences
- CE1 - Knowledge and capacity for the analysis and design of electrical generation, transport, and distribution systems.
- CE2 - Knowledge and ability to project, calculate and design integrated manufacturing systems.
- CE3 - Ability to design and test machines.
- CE4 - Ability to analyze and design chemical processes.
- CE5 - Knowledge and skills for the design and analysis of thermal machines and engines, hydraulic machines, and industrial heat and cold installations.
- CE6 - Knowledge and skills that allow us to understand, analyze, exploit, and manage the different sources of energy.
- CE7 - Ability to design electronic systems and industrial instrumentation.
- CE8 - Ability to design and project automated production systems and advanced process control.
- CE9 - Knowledge and skills to organize and run companies.
- CE10 - Knowledge and skills of strategy and planning applied to different organizational structures.
- CE11 - Knowledge of commercial and labor law.
- CE12 - Knowledge of financial and cost accounting.
- CE13 - Knowledge of management information systems, industrial organization, production and logistics systems, and quality management systems.
- CE14 - Capacities for work organization and human resources management. Knowledge about occupational risk prevention.
- CE15 - Knowledge and skills for integrated project management.
- CE16 - Ability to manage Research, Development, and Technological Innovation.
- CE17 - Capacity for the design, construction, and operation of industrial plants.
- CE18 - Knowledge of construction, building, installations, infrastructures, and urban planning in the field of industrial engineering.
- CE19 - Knowledge and skills for the calculation and design of structures.
- CE20 - Knowledge and skills to plan and design electrical and fluid installations, lighting, air conditioning and ventilation, energy saving and efficiency, acoustics, communications, home automation, and intelligent buildings and security installations.
- EC21 - Knowledge of transport methods and techniques and industrial maintenance.
- CE22 - Knowledge and skills to perform verification and control of facilities, processes, and products.
- CE23 - Knowledge and skills to carry out certifications, audits, verifications, tests, and reports.
- CE24 - Completion, presentation, and public defense, once all the credits of the study plan have been obtained, of an original exercise carried out individually before a university court, consisting of a comprehensive Industrial Engineering project of a professional nature in which the skills acquired in the teachings.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.