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Universidad Fasta Distancia

Universidad Fasta Distancia

Universidad Fasta Distancia


The New Educational Paradigm

The vertiginous development of information and communication technology has transformed the concept of distance education in recent years and has resized this modality that seeks new space in the higher education system. Beyond the face-to-face modality, the study centers advance in their distance training offer, in virtual modality or with their blended system. This renewed concept has already begun, to varying degrees, to be used by a good part of the local universities. Alternatives range from the traditional mail-order system with printed material, video and audio support to virtual education over the Internet.

Short courses, seminars, undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the most dissimilar disciplines are available to more and more people, which becomes a multiplier of educational possibilities without addressing the limitation of distances and times.

What is distance learning?

For the FASTA University, Distance Education is a modality that allows the educational act through different methods, techniques, strategies, and means, in a situation in which students and teachers are physically separated and only occasionally interact in person.


  • Mar del Plata

    Avellaneda,3341, B7600, Mar del Plata
