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University of Applied Sciences Wedel


If you are interested in studying at a renowned German University of Applied Sciences, you have come to the right place. We offer you various Bachelor and Master modules in English as part of an exchange semester and a fully English-language program with a master's program in IT Engineering. During a semester abroad you will not only develop professionally, but also personally: you will become more independent, tolerant, intercultural, and socially competent. You will also improve your communication skills and learn a new language.

If you are interested in studying at a renowned German University of Applied Sciences, you have come to the right place. We offer you various Bachelor and Master modules in English as part of an exchange semester and a fully English-language program with a master's program in IT Engineering. During a semester abroad you will not only develop professionally, but also personally: you will become more independent, tolerant, intercultural, and socially competent. You will also improve your communication skills and learn a new language.

The Fachhochschule Wedel University of Applied Sciences is a well-known private university with approximately 1.300 enrolled students. Our institution is located in the Hamburg Metropolitan Area in Northern Germany. We steadily adopt current developments in the economy and integrate these new standards into the curriculum. This guarantees the excellent quality of our academic programs, which in turn helps our graduates find jobs easily. 90% of our bachelor graduates have already signed a job contract by the time they finish their studies.

FH Wedel University of Applied Sciences maintains close connections to multinational companies. Co-operations are established via internships, theses, and joint development projects. Following their graduation, our students are often employed by the companies in which students have already done internships or their theses.

FH Wedel currently offers eleven bachelor's programs and six master's programs. Currently, these pages are only available in German. Except for the master's program IT Engineering, which is conducted entirely in English, all of our programs require academic-level proficiency in German.


A precursor to today’s University of Applied Sciences, the PTL was founded in 1948. Soon, the institution grew in size as well in terms of the degree programs offered and moved to Wedel in 1963. Following the introduction of the first informatics classes as early as 1968, the Fachhochschule Wedel was set up to co-exist alongside the PTL, offering a higher education.

First international co-operations were initiated in the mid-1990s. In 2004, the FH changed its degree programs to the Bachelor/Master system now common throughout Europe. Meanwhile, the selection of courses offered continues to adapt to the changing demands of society and the economy, for instance by introducing the programs E-Commerce in 2011, IT-Engineering in 2015, Smart Technology and Management, and Consulting & Auditing in 2016.

Many of our students live in the residence hall, which is located within ten minutes walking distance of the university. It was opened in 1997 and has been well accepted by our students. The apartments are usually shared between six people. Everybody has a room to themselves, which is between 12 m² and 14 m² in size and usually comes unfurnished. Additionally, each apartment has two shared bathrooms, kitchen facilities, and a communal room. The rent starts from € 282 to € 345 without furniture including heating, electricity and internet, with a contract period of six months. Or a furnished room in a shared apartment for € 292. As these rooms are quite popular, they sometimes have a waiting list, so you should apply for them early.

    In cooperation with partners from the business world, Wedel University of Applied Sciences offers scholarships to particularly good and committed students. To be shortlisted, not only good grades are relevant, but also other aspects, such as social commitment.

    Partner Scholarship Bachelor

    For students in a computer science-oriented bachelor's degree program, the companies offer BIT-SERV and Hapag Lloydup to six scholarships annually.

    Benefits for scholarship holders:

    • Top companies will pay your tuition fees for you.
    • You will work in the company during your studies, be actively involved in everyday working life, receive intensive support, and gain valuable practical experience.
    • These practical phases are remunerated additionally.
    • You will take part in events that will increase your future chances on the job market, including discussions with managers and seminars to develop your soft skills.
    • All participants have a personal contact person both in the company and at the FH Wedel who will take care of their needs.

    Partner Scholarship Master

    For students in a computer science-oriented master's program, the companies offer BIT-SERV, and Hapag Lloyd offers up to four scholarships per year. The scholarship covers the cost of tuition fees for up to four semesters. The scholarship holders can expand their professional network and gain valuable experience by working in a company alongside their studies.

    • Wedel

      Feldstraße, 143, 22880, Wedel

    University of Applied Sciences Wedel