Tileyard Education
Tileyard Education is a Higher Education business based at Tileyard, the largest independent music community in the world, home to 110 professional recording studios and 250 entertainment businesses including Apple Music, Beats One, Spitfire Audio, Focusrite, Pioneer DJ, Good Soldier, Believe Digital, The Prodigy, Dru Masters and more.
We combine validated, full-time Master of Arts and BA Entry (Level 6) programmes with exclusive industry connectivity, access to professional recording studios, weekly live commercial music briefs and the inside track on best practice, career progression and wellness.
Students build the skills, knowledge and networks needed to navigate the music and entertainment industries. There they not only meet their best friends, but also future employers, mentors, collaborators, sponsors and business partners.
At Tileyard Education professional practitioners provide tutoring, mentoring, guest lectures, professional songwriting camps and masterclasses. Some of these companies also provide bursaries and scholarships, including a full scholarship from Spitfire Audio.
Tileyard is expanding and as a student you have access to each location connected to Tileyard Education. So it doesn't matter if you are studying online, in London or Wakefield, you are welcome to visit both Tileyard London and North.