MA in China Studies
Jerusalem, Israel
2 Years
Full time
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USD 5,000 / per year
Join us for Hebrew University's Virtual Open House on November 21st, 2021 at 6pm Jerusalem Time.
The Department of Asian Studies currently offers an English-language graduate program in the China section only. The MA program includes a wide variety of courses on Chinese history, archaeology, philosophy, intellectual history, political thought, traditional China’s interaction with Asian and European cultures, as well as culture, society, and politics in traditional, modern, and contemporary China. Students in the program will join a vibrant academic community and enjoy opportunities for stimulating scholarly exchanges through international workshops and conferences as well as guest lectures by world-renowned scholars, sponsored by the Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies and the Confucius Institute at the Hebrew University.
Scholarship support may be available for eligible candidates who are PRC citizens through the China Scholarship Council. The department may also offer a limited number of academic excellence awards throughout the year.
The China Section offers two types of MA programs: a non-research MA, which requires 40 academic points, two seminar papers, but no research thesis, and a research MA, which requires 28-course points, a seminar paper, and a research thesis.
Applicants who are interested in a research MA should contact a potential supervisor for their research work prior to their application.
Final Examination
After completing all the assignments required for their MA studies, students in both the Research and Non-Research MA programs will be required to take a written and oral final examination. The final examination takes place twice a year (June and December). The materials for the test, subjects for debate, and other assignments (such as reading reports), will be published on the department’s website and updated from time to time during the summer break.