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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


At SLU, we engage students in some of the most important issues facing the 21st century, such as global warming, the food crisis, and our dependence on non-renewable energy. The teaching style at SLU promotes critical thinking. As a student, you are expected to question beliefs that are often taken for granted and we also expect you to question what you learn. Debating with classmates and lecturers is accepted and welcomed. SLU’s teaching staff crave academic excellence and are focused on producing a highly employable student body. Communication skills, the ability to work in a team and solve problems, an awareness of the commercial landscape and work experience are just some of the qualities that make our graduates employable. To strengthen your ability to build a career in an increasingly competitive job market, as a student at SLU you are encouraged to learn through experience.

At SLU, we engage students in some of the most important issues facing the 21st century, such as global warming, the food crisis, and our dependence on non-renewable energy.

The teaching style at SLU promotes critical thinking. As a student, you are expected to question beliefs that are often taken for granted and we also expect you to question what you learn. Debating with classmates and lecturers is accepted and welcomed. SLU's teaching staff crave academic excellence and are focused on producing a highly employable student body. Communication skills, the ability to work in a team and solve problems, an awareness of the commercial landscape and work experience are just some of the qualities that make our graduates employable.

To strengthen your ability to build a career in an increasingly competitive job market, as a student at SLU you are encouraged to learn through experience.

You study real-life situations, take a hands-on approach to problem-solving, and make valuable contact with the business sector. Lectures, tutorials, laboratory work, fieldwork, group projects, and independent study are just some of the teaching methods used here.

Assessment procedures also vary depending on the course and can include written assignments and examinations, individual and group projects, laboratory reports, and oral presentations. Here at SLU we are committed to developing the internationalization aspect of our syllabus, network, and student experience.

Global perspectives have been integrated into the design, development, and presentation of all programs and courses. We welcome students from all over the world and by offering students the chance to make important international connections, we are increasing our students' global employability.

See all SLU's Master's programmes here

See SLU's International Bacehlor's programme here

Read more on the institution's website

Campus Alnarp

SLU’s Alnarp campus is a green oasis located in central Öresundsregionen. The campus is situated on a rolling, luxuriant park where education and research is intensively conducted. Adding to the picturesque surroundings are striking buildings with impressive architecture, offering an aesthetically stimulating environment for students, researchers, employees and visitors.

Campus Umeå

SLU’s Umeå campus is an inspiring and picturesque learning environment. Surrounded by deep green forests, scenic parks and clear, blue lakes, it is easy to see why Umeå is the fastest growing city in Sweden. With 110 000 inhabitants, Umeå is the largest city in Norrland, and each year over 800 000 people pass through Umeå's airport. It takes less than an hour to fly from Umeå to Stockholm, and four hours to fly to Brussels.

Campus Uppsala

Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city, and the hub of SLU’s educational activities. Located just outside of the city centre, SLU’s Uppsala campus is spacious, leafy and picturesque. It is a fitting setting for Sweden’s only agricultural university, and possibly the most research-intensive of all universities. With two universities located in Uppsala, students can enjoy a lively, dynamic and stimulating atmosphere.

SLU’s campuses and research facilities are spread throughout Sweden, with three main campuses located in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala. Though each campus differs in size and structure, they all have a warm, friendly and inspiring atmosphere. SLU currently has over 4000 students and 700 research students enrolled and conducts a range of teaching and research activities throughout the country.

As a fee-paying student you are guaranteed housing if you have been admitted in the first admission round. This will be offered to you by SLU. If you are a fee-paying student who is granted a scholarship you are still guaranteed housing.

Please note that the rent is not included in the tuition fee.

    To be able to study in Sweden, you need a residence permit. Application for a residence permit for studies can be sent after the tuition fee has been paid, and you have received a confirmation email from SLU.

    Application for a residence permit is made through the Migration Agency website. The Migration Agency is responsible for the entire residence permit process. SLU cannot in any way affect your application. Questions regarding your residence permit should be asked to the Migration Agency.

    The waiting time for a decision from the Migration Agency is usually between 2-5 months, sometimes longer. Therefore SLU urge students to pay their tuition fee and apply for a residence permit as soon as possible after you have received the payment instructions from SLU (shortly after you receive the notification of selection results).

    The only document you need to prove that you have been admitted to SLU and that you are insured, is the notification of selection results emailed to you after the selection.

    You must be registered to 30 credits each semester. If you study less than 30 credits during a semester your residence permit may be revoked, or an application for an extension denied. If you cannot study for any reason, such as illness or because you cannot pay your tuition fee, you are expected to leave Sweden, as a residence permit for studies only allows residence for studies.

    Scholarships are available for fee-paying students admitted to Master's programs. The scholarships are awarded by both SLU and the Swedish Institute (SI).

    All students who apply for an SLU Master’s program as their top priority by the January 17 deadline will receive information about how to apply for a full tuition waiver scholarship. Application instructions will be sent to all eligible applicants within a few days after the application deadline. A scholarship offered by SLU covers tuition fees only, no living or travel expenses are included.

    Scholarships awarded by the Swedish Institute cover both tuition fees and cost of living. There is a number of different scholarships available depending of your background.

    QS Rankings

    SLU is ranked as the fourth best university in the world in the subject Agriculture & Forestry, and number 31 in the subject Veterinary Medicine.

    SLU in international university rankings

    SLU's educational programs give students the opportunity to work with global challenges in a number of fields with strong connections to the UN sustainability goals. Our students are in demand on the labour market and often find employment immediately after graduating.

    Teaching at SLU takes place in close cooperation with research. We are the only Swedish university offering professional degrees in the following fields:

    • Agricultural science
    • Animal science
    • Forest science
    • Landscape architecture
    • Veterinary medicine.

    The program offering also includes a number of international Master’s programs, such as Forest Ecology and Sustainable management, Horticultural Science, Outdoor Environments for Health and Well-being and Sustainable Food Systems.

    More than 40 per cent of our courses are taught in English, and 60 per cent of our Master’s students come from countries other than Sweden. At our campuses there are students from around 50 countries.

    one of the world's three best universities in the fields of agricultural and forestry sciences

    QS ranking (2021)

    number one in the world
    in Forestry sciences

    Center for World University Rankings

    • Our study and career counsellors can give you general advice on courses and programs at SLU. They can also assist you with general queries on study and career choices.
    • Writing and language support is available at the university library. You can also meet new people, chat, listen to Swedish, or just hang out at our language café at the library.
    • Campus Umeå has the largest sports facility in the Nordic region. Here, you can count on plenty of snow in winter and there are many opportunities to go skiing and do other outdoor activities.
    • Campus Uppsala has many green areas which are perfect for outdoor activities. There are football pitches, beach volleyball courts, a frisbee golf course, many tracks for jogging, walking and cycling and a sports facility with a gym and scheduled group sessions.
    • At Campus Alnarp you can play sports and games, sing in a choir, act in a play, help to organise parties and events, take a dance class, get your hunting licence, and much more.

    The SLU campuses are located in university towns with a vibrant student life, not least at the “nationer”, student clubs that arrange a number of activities. You can go clubbing, see friends, take in a concert, enjoy a Swedish ”fika” or join one of the many associations – there are Pride associations, theatre groups, choirs and sports associations to mention a few. Here, you will make new friends and really get to know Swedish student life.

    There are a total of seven students’ unions at SLU’s different campuses. Which one you belong to depends on what you are studying. The unions are founded by students, are run by students and are there for the students.In addition to influencing and improving education, monitoring students’ rights, arranging lectures and other events, the unions make sure that you and other students can enjoy a rich free time. The unions have a number of associations and committees. Amateur comedy theatre, “fika” eve nings, sports associations, hunting clubs, environmental committees, dinners and choirs are only some of the activities on offer. Nothing is impossible, the members decide what activities their union should engage in.

    Want to know more? Please visit university website for more information about student life style.


    • Uppsala

      Almas Allé,8, 750 07, Uppsala

    • Alnarp

      Sundsvagen 6, 234 56, Alnarp

      • Umeå

        Umeå, Sweden

        Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences