MSc in Cultural Sociology
2 Years
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Cultural Sociology: The path which starts in the heart leads to new horizons
The Master’s Program in Cultural Sociology will provide you with a broad theoretical and empirical insight into a variety of topics while at the same time give you the opportunity to specialize in an area of research of your own particular interest.
As a master’s student in cultural sociology, you will gain a deep understanding of how social transformation processes on both state, institutional and community levels come into being through various social and cultural influences.
The master’s program covers classical and contemporary themes, theories, and methods within the cultural sociological research tradition. For instance, you will get a thorough introduction to both statistical tools and to a variety of advanced qualitative methods for collecting and analyzing empirical data. Furthermore, the program introduces the students to recent developments within sociological theory. Last, but not least, the program includes various thematic courses. Some are of a “hands-on” character, such as courses in project management and advanced evaluation methods. Other courses focus on themes such as Contemporary subcultures, counterculture, and social movements; the role of cultural values in economic practices; networks and social capital; processes of social identity formation as they unfold in both small tightly knit groups, in larger multi-ethnic communities, and through online-sociality; changing perceptions of the body, new gender roles and family patterns; new health cultures; the role of emotions and the senses in social life; rural-urban relations; globalization, migration, and racism; democracy, state-citizen relations, and civil society.
Part of the master's program is dedicated to the experience of being an intern. Hence students will have the opportunity to do an internship in a public organization, a private enterprise, or an NGO in Denmark or elsewhere in the world.
Program structure
The MSc Cultural Sociology consists of 120 ECTS, corresponding to 2 years full-study. The program is offered in English.
The MSc Cultural Sociology covers a range of thematic areas and introduces the student to various sociological approaches to the description, understanding, and interpretation of different social and cultural phenomena. For instance, we study how social and cultural identities are shaped by political structures and discourses, social systems, geographical and infrastructural conditions, and economic and religious forces.
The overall aim is to provide students with theoretical and methodological tools to understand the culture, social relations, and meaning production in local and global communities and thus enable them to independently investigate and analyze processes of social and cultural transformations.
Besides classical and contemporary sociological theories and quantitative/statistical and advanced qualitative methods for collecting and analyzing empirical data, we study: How and why cultural identities and relations are changing and shaped by migration and other transnational flows, and how changes in popular culture and social formations are influenced by social media; The relation between gender issues and new body cultural phenomena; We critically analyze how cultural values shape economic practices and how emotions shape politics and social life in general; We work with issues of change in rural life conditions and rural identity and, not least, with subcultures, countercultures and social movements, civil society and new state-citizen relations.
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
With an MSc in Cultural Sociology, you will be equipped with strong analytical and methodological skills. This will make you an attractive asset for national and international organizations and NGO’s that work with projects related to e.g. health promotion, human resources, poverty reduction measures, public administration, implementation and evaluation of welfare policies, rural planning, integration, and inter-sectoral cooperation.
Until now, our students have mainly found jobs in public institutions, for instance, municipalities, but also state departments, museums, and within research and teaching institutions such as universities and professional colleges. Further, some work for NGO’s, while others have found employment in private firms, such as consultancy firms.