Perth Bible College
PBC is a nationally TEQSA accredited tertiary education institution providing higher education awards from Diplomas through to Masters Degrees in an environment of Academic Excellence that is Christ Centred, Ministry Focussed, and Life Transforming.
Whether you study at our residential campus or online through our external program, we commit ourselves to enable students to: “THINK deeply about Christ, his work and the world, and to SERVE him with integrity, courage, conviction and love.”
Studying for the Christian Ministry is challenging and rewarding. Giving your life in the service of others is a calling to follow Christ. We at PBC are thrilled when anyone chooses to pursue this path in life, and we commit ourselves to the development of each student. Both in their progress spiritually and also academically.
PBC arose from a vision of the world’s need for the gospel of grace, the need for more effective servants of the gospel, and the need for intentional Bible-based ministry and theological training. During the past 90 years, thousands of people have been trained and entered God’s service in a host of ministries both here in Western Australia, interstate, and abroad.
PBC continues today by the grace and faithfulness of God with this same vision. Many still need to be reached, and there are ministries everywhere that need to be started and strengthened by men and women skilled and passionate about the gospel.
- Karrinyup
College Court,1, 6018, Karrinyup