Master's Programme in Social Analysis
Örebro, Sweden
1 Years
Full time
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SEK 34,200
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In this program, you will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in social analysis. Through developing advanced methodological and analytical knowledge and skills, you will be able to study many important contemporary global and local social problems and risks. You will acquire knowledge about how social problems are constructed, as well as about how scientific problems related to various social issues. The role of social science in society is discussed and it will contribute to a deeper understanding of the possibilities and limitations that science has in terms of resolving or dealing with various social problems.
Moreover, the program provides advanced training in the relationship between methodology and research design, as well as training in how to conduct and evaluate research results. During the first semester, you will also learn how to conduct a literature review of a research field of your choice and you will develop your scientific writing skills. During the second and final semester, you will write a Master's thesis (independent project) of 30 credits, in one of the following subjects: Gender Studies, Human Geography, Media and Communication Studies, Political Science, or Sociology.
Program Content
This program gives a Degree of Master's (60 credits). The program begins with the course Sociology, Social Analysis: Theory and Method, Second Cycle, 30 credits. The course engages with the construction of social problems. The student is trained to develop knowledge and reflexive skills with regard to how scientific questions relate to different social problems. The role of science in society is discussed and the course gives insights into the possibilities and limitations of research to solve or handle various social issues. The course furthermore addresses methodology and research design in social sciences. The relation between different methodological principles and research design within social science research is discussed. The course moreover addresses the role of analysis in the research, including analysis methods of qualitative as well as quantitative material. During the end of the course, the student gets training in academic writing and the conducting of a literature review for preparation of the upcoming thesis. During the second semester, the student selects one of the courses Independent Project - Thesis, 30 credits, in one of the following subjects: Sociology, Media and Communication Studies, Human Geography, Political Science, and Gender Studies.
Örebro University in rankings
Örebro University is on several ranking lists made by different organizations. These rankings compare universities with respect to research and education, among other things. Below are some of the rankings where Örebro University is included.
Örebro University in Times Higher Education rankings

For several consecutive years, Örebro University has come out strong in a number of Times Higher Education (THE) world rankings.
Örebro University on Shanghai ranking

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai ranking, has ranked the world’s top universities since 2003. Since 2009, ShanghaiRanking Consultancy is the official publisher of the ranking.
Scholarships and Funding
Career Opportunities
Advanced skills in the social analysis are sought after both in the public and private sectors, nationally and internationally. Such knowledge and skills can be used for research and development, evaluations, market analysis, gender impact assessment, risk analysis, and project management.
This international program is taught in English. Besides the social scientific academic skills, the program provides skills to communicate about science in English, which is crucial in the international labor market. The program also provides a solid foundation for further studies in doctoral programs.