Masan University
In 2012, Masan University declared its vision based on the commitment and opinions of the faculty. It was also our pledge toward innovation, which was what we have been focusing on. Innovation means to make changes to something from the inside out when it is felt that everything has been sluggish. It also delivers a message that "For the survival of all of us, I first need to make changes to myself."
Masan University wants to serve as the hope of our time. Hope is directly connected to setting a vision. Vision is based upon what many people hope and desire. When their desire becomes one with the belief "It will be achieved," Masan University can become stronger.
To do so, the administrative offices and departments of the school have gathered their wisdom to set action plans. Masan University focuses on having the ability to take action by innovating the paradigm of the educational organization and strengthening networking. Masan University is ready to be committed to pursuing the following three points:
First, the best asset a human can possess is "dreams." Dreams are had by "people." When people gather their wisdom, better ideas and action plans can come out.
Second, we need to "enjoy" things. The energy of creation is driven by free-thinking individuals. We can be successful when we know how to enjoy things to the point that painful experiences can be appreciated.
“our students”
Third, we focus on the satisfaction of the consumers of education, our students. The ability to amuse, surprise, and touch the students is our university's competitiveness edge.
What we call brand value is created through image marketing. That is why it is important to develop an image that 'I am proud of my school, Masan University' in the hearts and minds of the students of our school while listening to their voices and following new trends in education.
We will sincerely strive to meet the expectations of those who have cared for and shown interest in Masan University. Education begins from endless longing and faith towards new knowledge and technology. Masan University will try harder to cultivate a passion for education.
- Masanhoewon-gu
Masanhoewon-gu, South Korea