Master in Management Science and Engineering
Jinzhou, China
3 Years
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline
Sep 2024
CNY 24,000 / per year *
* - per year
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The students will become talented managers specialized in experimental techniques, they will research in the application of innovation and achievements of theory with systematically utilize theory and methods of management, system science, and economic mathematics. In recent years, over 255 pieces of academic paper and 37 monographs are published in the academic publications and conferences both at home and abroad, and over 154 state’s research programs and 108 enterprises’ research program have been finished, Scientific research funds of 1270000 yuan are reached. This subject has 9 professors and 10 people with Ph.D. Teacher resources, experimental equipment, and other teaching conditions are contained well.
Main Course:
matrix analysis, Senior management, The theory and method of quantitative economy, Information System and Management, Enterprise information management, Logistics and supply chain management.
Application Requirement
- Possess bachelor degree above,
- Provide undergraduate diploma notarized copies and transcript or notarized copies of undergraduate courses. When the diploma is neither Chinese or English, you should provide notarized Chinese or English translated documents,
- Provide research or study plan in China (1500 at least), written in Chinese or English,
- Provide recommendation letters by two professionals or associate professionals.
Curriculum Requirement:
The post-graduate courses include general courses, basic courses, specialized courses, and practice. Master course requires no less than 24 credits, including 10 general courses and 4 practice credits. All the courses are taught in English other than courses related to Chinese language and Chinese culture.
Paper Requirement:
Graduates should finish their paper independently. The graduate paper should reflect graduates’ creativity, practicability, and progressiveness.
Application Materials
- Copy of the first 10 pages of the passport,
- Copy of the Bachelor’s degree certificate,
- Copy of the university transcript,
- A recent record of the sponsor’s bank account statement,
- Sponsorship letter,
- Application form (filled),
- RMB700 yuan application fee,
- Send $4000 dollars to the school account (Please write your name and the passport number when you send the money to the school account after 3 days please confirm with the school.).