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Latin American Professional Institute of Foreign Trade (Instituto Profesional Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior (IPLATEX))

The Latin American Professional Institute of Foreign Trade - IPLACEX, is a Chilean higher education institution, recognized as such by the State since 1990, despite locating the roots of its institutional project already in the 80s. Since its inception and thanks to The experience and strong commitment of its founders, has managed to develop its institutional project successfully, reaching its full autonomy in 1998, after successfully overcoming the demands of the licensing process - then called "accreditation" - then displaying sustained growth, together with wide geographic coverage.

  • Talca

    Avenida Colín,999, , Talca

      Institution also offers:

      Latin American Professional Institute of Foreign Trade (Instituto Profesional Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior (IPLATEX))