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Kore University Of Enna (UKE)

The Kore University of Enna (Università Kore di Enna, or UKE) was established by the Italian Government as Free University in 2005. UKE is the fourth and last university founded in Sicily after those of Catania (1434), Messina (1548), and Palermo (1805). Unlike many other Italian universities, UKE was not established by a pope or a king.

The Kore University of Enna is a free, non-state university. It is not governed by the State or by other public bodies, from which it receives only small contributions. The UKE is based on private and self-financing, the proceeds of scientific activities, and student fees. For this reason, spending is very careful and is always of high quality.

The Kore University of Enna is one of the most appreciated Italian universities. According to surveys conducted in an anonymous form by the AlmaLaurea Consortium in Bologna, UKE is among the first places in Italy for the high level of teaching and the quality of educational facilities.

  • Enna

    Viale delle Olimpiadi, 94100, Enna

      Institution also offers:

      Kore University Of Enna (UKE)