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ISTUD Business School

Over forty years of experience alongside organizations

Founded in 1970 on the initiative of Assolombarda and a group of large Italian and multinational companies (including Pirelli, Olivetti and IBM), ISTUD has always accompanied the evolution of Italian management , contributing significantly to the spread of a modern "management culture" in our country. The first Faculty of the Business School was composed of Harvard Business School professors, supported by Italian management consulting professionals.

The ISTUD Foundation is today the only independent high-profile Italian Business School . In its 40 years of activity more than 51,000 executives and middle managers, as well as 2,300 new graduates, have attended its training programs and masters and many professionals, operating in the world of training and research , have been trained at ISTUD since the seventies to today.


Our Mission

Supporting the growth of companies and managers who want to compete through the creation of a new sustainable economic model, focused on creating value for all actors in the process. This is the Mission of the ISTUD Foundation , the first independent Business School in Italy, which since 1970 has been operating in the field of higher professional training and management research, offering an integrated portfolio of managerial research and training programs, directly applied to the realities and challenges that organizations are facing.

Our Values

Sustainability: the systemic, ethical and sustainable approach.

Our approach

The ISTUD Foundation intends to be a different voice in the field of training and management development , placing at the center of all its activities the uniqueness and potential of the individuals and organizations in which they operate.
At the base of the various proposed initiatives there is a constant research and innovation activity , with the development of an updated know-how oriented to the problems and issues that actually come to the attention of companies, organizations, managers, today.

Choosing ISTUD means "getting in touch" with a leading company in the Italian management education landscape, with almost 40 years of experience in the field of management training and research on organizations .
The demonstrated ability to contribute to the evolution of managerial thinking, the international network, the qualified presence in companies and institutions, the high level of the offer process and the teaching process together with the quality of the Faculty, the fame and prestige of the brand, are some of the main elements that lead to consider ISTUD as a unique choice of excellence in the Italian scene.

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ISTUD : experiences compared

Participating in an ISTUD seminar or path means experiencing a highly engaging training experience , in which the participant is the protagonist of the learning process , in a stimulating environment , with the constant presence of ISTUD professionals to accompany the entire course.
The analysis of concrete situations, the search for effective solutions, the assumption of responsibility, interpersonal communication, negotiation and group work are always valued within the classrooms. Faculty professors, in relation to the different moments of the program and the contents treated, make use of a wide and flexible mix of didactic tools such as lessons, exercises, case discussions .

Basing in our approach is the size of the comparison . A comparison that arises from the dialogue with participants from different sectors and professional families and from the constant debate and exchange with Faculty professors, all experts in the area of ​​expertise, with an effective knowledge of business problems derived from significant experience in management, consulting or search.
All participants are always provided with a wide range of theoretical documentation on the topics covered, as well as a complete and updated bibliography (in addition to the use of exclusive ISTUD materials prepared and customized according to customer needs).

  • Stresa

    ISTUD Business School Corso Umberto I, 71,

    ISTUD Business School