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IPG Professional Institute (Instituto   Profesional IPG)

IPG Professional Institute (Instituto Profesional IPG)

IPG Professional Institute (Instituto   Profesional IPG)


The Galdames Professional Institute was born in 1984, at the initiative of the organization called "Fundación Nacional de la Cultura", which agreed to create a Professional Institute to provide higher education to people - mainly young workers - who until then had not had the opportunity to pursue professional studies, but they longed to do so.

The name of the Institute is a tribute to the outstanding Chilean lawyer and professor of History and Geography, Luis Galdames, who developed an important teaching work in Chile and abroad, in the first decades of the 20th century. He was Director of Education, and one of the drafters of the Constitution of 1925. In addition, he was responsible for carrying out the implementation of the educational reform of 1927 and 1928, which managed to give an outstanding boost - unusual for those times - to the education in the country.


  • Concepción

    Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins,1565, , Concepción


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