Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology
9 up to 12 Months
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
Request tuition fees
Distance learning, On-Campus
Headquarters: Barcelona - Madrid - At Home Method - Online - Valencia
Hours: Madrid: VS | Barcelona: SD | Valencia: Consult next call | At Home: S | Online: flexible
Degree: Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology issued by ISEP
Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology
The Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology gives you the technical and personal skills that every psychologist needs for the evaluation, diagnosis, recovery and prevention of disorders that affect the mental health of the child and adolescent population from a cognitive behavioral orientation, with the maximum guarantees of success.
With the ISEP master you will acquire the essential skills for a comprehensive intervention in case of intellectual disability and high capacities, learning disorders, drug dependence, autism spectrum disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, elimination disorders, conduct disorder, eating behavior, ADHD, communication disorders and even offers you an approach to childhood neuropsychology to be able to recognize and describe possible brain injuries or dysfunctions. It is the most complete training to become a specialist in psychological care for children and adolescents.
ISEP offers you the possibility of doing this Master in just one year thanks to its intensive format, or doing it in two years in the Madrid delegation.
The same Master, 3 modalities. Choose yours!
The ISEP Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology allows you to train in 3 modalities: choose the one that interests you the most!
- Face-to-face modality. You will attend face-to-face sessions at our headquarters in Barcelona, Madrid [or Valencia], training yourself live with top-level experts
- Online mode. You will follow the Master at your own pace, with fully flexible calendars and schedules and the constant accompaniment of our experts.
- ISEP At Home © method. ISEP exclusive. You will attend live sessions with the best teachers, active experts, but without leaving your home. You can attend sessions of the face-to-face modality and carry out practices in person.
Bloque 1: Evaluación
- Módulo 1: El proceso de evaluación psicopatológica y habilidades del terapeuta.
- Módulo 2: Pruebas y cuestionarios en niños y adolescentes.
Bloque 2: Intervención
- Módulo 3: Asesoramiento a familias en la infancia y adolescencia. Orientación sexual, identidad de género y expresión de género.
- Módulo 4: Técnicas de intervención en niños y adolescentes.
- Módulo 5: Técnicas de intervención en el ámbito escolar: acoso y ciberacoso.
- Módulo 6: Técnicas de intervención en el ámbito escolar: valores.
- Módulo 7: Psicofarmacología en la infancia y la adolescencia.
Bloque 3: Aplicaciones Clínicas
- Módulo 8: Discapacidad intelectual y altas capacidades intelectuales.
- Módulo 9. Trastornos del aprendizaje.
- Módulo 10: Trastorno por déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad.
- Módulo 11: Trastornos de la comunicación.
- Módulo 12: Trastornos del espectro autista.
- Módulo 13: Trastornos de ansiedad.
- Módulo 14: Depresión y trastorno bipolar.
- Módulo 15: Trastornos de la eliminación.
- Módulo 16: Trastorno de conducta.
- Módulo 17: Trastorno de la conducta alimentaria.
- Módulo 18: Prevención e intervención en el consumo de drogas y otros comportamientos adictivos.
- Módulo 19: Neuropsicología infantil y adolescente.
- Módulo 20: Intervención en autolesiones y suicidio.
- Módulo 21: Intervención en duelos, separaciones y divorcio.
- Módulo 22: Intervención en trauma y abusos.
Bloque 4: Aplicaciones Prácticas
- Módulo 23: Practicum.
- Módulo 24: Trabajo final de Máster (TFM).
Program Outcome
Con esta titulación aprenderás a:
- Apply theoretical knowledge to daily clinical practice with the maximum guarantee of success.
- Master the practical aspects to take into account throughout the evaluation and intervention process in the most frequent disorders in children's and adolescent clinical practice.
- Evaluar e intervenir en los principales trastornos que afectan a la salud mental de niños y adolescentes, como la ansiedad, la depresión, el TDAH, los trastornos del aprendizaje, el trastorno del espectro autista, entre otros.
- Apply the most effective intervention techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to treat psychological disorders in children and adolescents.
- Work as a team with other professionals to offer comprehensive care to children and adolescents.
- Communicate effectively with children, adolescents and their families.
Ideal Students
The Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology is aimed at:
- Licenciados o Graduados del ámbito de la Salud (Psicología, Medicina y otros profesionales).
- Estudiantes de tercer o cuarto curso de grado.
- Estudiantes del Máster en Psicología General Sanitario.
- In the educational field, Psychopedagogy, Pedagogy, and other professionals.
- Otros perfiles asociados (Dirección General de ISEP puede llevar a cabo la valoración y viabilidad de otros perfiles profesionales adscritos al ámbito de estudio).
Career Opportunities
Después de realizar el máster podrás trabajar en:
- Centros de atención psicológica, centros sanitarios que no sean del Sistema Público de Salud.
- Centros de atención a menores.
- Gabinetes de orientación escolar y psicopedagógicos.
- Servicios psicopedagógicos de centros escolares.
- Centros de apoyo o atención al menor.
- Centros de desarrollo infantil y atención temprana.
- Centros de acogida.
- Centros de educación especial.
- Foundations and associations.
Program delivery
ISEP's Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology allows you to train in 3 modalities: choose the one that interests you the most!
- In-person mode. You will attend face-to-face sessions, training live with top-level experts. Available at the Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia locations.
- Online mode. You will follow the Master at your own pace, with totally flexible calendars and schedules and the constant support of our experts. Next call in January 2025
- ISEP At Home© Method. Exclusive to ISEP. You will attend live sessions with the best teachers, active experts, from wherever you want. Next call in January 2025
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.