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Grenoble INP - Esisar, UGA


Esisar is part of the Grenoble Institute of Engineering and management (Grenoble INP) at Université Grenoble Alpes. Anchored on its territory, multidisciplinary, and open to the international, Université Grenoble Alpes brings together the main public higher education institutions of Grenoble and Valence.

Esisar is part of the Grenoble Institute of Engineering and Management (Grenoble INP) at Université Grenoble Alpes.

Anchored on its territory, multidisciplinary, and open to the international, Université Grenoble Alpes brings together the main public higher education institutions of Grenoble and Valence.

The foundations of Université Grenoble Alpes stem from the aggregation of the former Université Grenoble Alpes and prestigious higher education and research institutions in Grenoble: Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management, Sciences Po Grenoble School of Political Studies, and ENSAG School of Architecture.

Grenoble INP brings together 8 renowned engineering schools and management, close to the industrial world and open to international exchanges.

Located in the Valence campus, Esisar trains our future engineers in Embedded Systems and IT technologies, with a cutting-edge curriculum spanning Electronics, Computer Sciences/IT, Control, and Networks. Our engineering degree program is certified by the EUR-ACE (EURopean ACcredited Engineer) label, with the European-accredited engineering master degree program certificate. Esisar welcomes 500 students each year, among which 15 % of international students. Our five-year-studies engineering school has developed its courses and programs in close contact with industry and has a well-developed business promotion policy.

Esisar also hosts a laboratory in systems design and integration, the LCIS, which develops high-level research in strong connection with many international laboratories.

Since 2017, Esisar hosts the European finals of the Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW) organized in collaboration with NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

Our history

  • 1995 Esisar welcomes its first students!
  • 1996 Laboratory LCIS starts its activities
  • 1997 Electromagnetic Compatibility Center is founded
  • 2001 Computer Science and Network master program opens
  • 2003 The Traceability Pole is launched
  • 2004 The Numerical impression pole is launched
  • 2006 RFTLab is created (EMC, RFID)
  • 2009 Complete LMD (Bologna) teaching organization starts
  • 2014 Award of the EUR-ACE label for our engineering degrees
  • Since 2017: Organisation of the CSAW European finals at Esisar
  • 2018 Opening of the international IMESS Master (formerly MISTRE) in English

Key Figures Grenoble INP

  • 8 schools
  • 9,000 students
  • 42 laboratories
  • 70,000 alumni
  • 300 industrial partners

Key Figures Grenoble INP - ESISAR

  • 500 students
  • Including 72 foreign students
  • 1 month to find the first job
  • 13 months experience in companies
  • 36k€ salary for the first job

    Why choose Esisar

    Esisar is part of Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management at Université Grenoble Alpes ranked in the top 100 in the 2020 Shanghai rankings.

    • Valence

      Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas,50, 26000, Valence

    Grenoble INP - Esisar, UGA