Master’s Degree in Forest Science In Global Change
Prague, Czech Republic
2 Years
Full time
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CZK 90,000 / per year *
* ~3 500 €/year
The master's degree programme Forest Science in Global Change is a two-year master's degree programme that is taught in English and is primarily intended for bachelor's degree graduates of a forestry, biological, environmental, or similar programme.
The aim of the study programme is to educate graduates with an international outlook and the ability to succeed on the European and global scale and to deal with current issues of forestry innovatively and flexibly at a time of ongoing global change. Emphasis is placed on the interconnectedness of knowledge, which is why the study connects innovative forestry disciplines with modern technologies and related fields.
The main goal is for students to acquire the knowledge needed to develop a modern forestry concept based on the adaptation of forests and forestry to ongoing global changes and their consequences.
These are measures that lead to increasing the resilience of forests with regard to the escalating intensity of disturbances (drought, fires, wind). In addition, the study focuses on management principles that support all forest functions and ecosystem services in the context of forest bioeconomy. During the course of study, students can also focus more deeply on one of the three thematic areas by studying at a foreign university.
Scholarships and Funding
Students can be granted financial support in the form of a scholarship. This includes appreciation for good grades, out-of-school activities, as well as support for studies abroad, doctoral scholarships, assistance if students encounter difficult situations, and social and accommodation scholarships. The criteria for granting scholarships are governed by the terms of the Scholarship Rules.
Only the agenda of social and accommodation scholarships is handled by the university management; other scholarships are within the competencies of individual faculties.
Scholarship programs of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
- Scholarship for students in the 1st year of full-time studies
Full-time students who graduate from the first semester with a grade point average of up to 1.15, or up to 1.4, will receive a scholarship for 7,000 CZK (approx. 285 euros), or 3,500 CZK per month (approx. 145 euros). The student will receive the scholarship retroactively for all months from the start of their studies.
These scholarships are intended only for students studying for the first time at CZU.
- Merit scholarship in higher years
Full-time students who study with a grade point average of up to 1.15, or up to 1.4, will receive a scholarship of CZK 7,000 in the following academic year, or 3,500 CZK per month.
- Scholarship program "Young scientist"
A student can participate in scientific work at individual departments of the Faculty and receive a scholarship of CZK 6,000 per month (approx. 245 euros). Selection procedures for departments take place in October, and students are informed about the possibility via email and website.
- Dean's Award for students who graduate from FLD with honors
Students who graduate with a grade point average of up to and including 1.2 will receive a one-time scholarship of CZK 20,000 (approx. 820 euros), and students who graduate with a grade point average below 1.5 will receive a one-time scholarship of CZK 10,000 (410 euros).
- Accommodation scholarship at CZU, which is in the amount of 700 – 900 CZK monthly (approx. 28 – 36 euros)
- Social scholarship at CZU.
In this way, we create the conditions for responsible students to spend their student years at our faculty in the beautiful environment of a university town (at the same time within easy reach of the capital's rich cultural and social offerings) and at the same time not to worry too much about the financial security of their studies.
The study plan consists of compulsory subjects that are part of the study plan of the winter and summer semesters of the first year and the summer semester of the second year of study. Students complete these subjects at FLD CZU.
The next part of the study plan consists of compulsory-optional subjects, which are thematically divided into three groups:
- Compulsory-optional subjects type B – group 1 – Multifunctional Forest Management
- Compulsory-optional subjects type B – group 2 – Forest Economy and Technics
- Compulsory-optional subjects type B – group 3 – Forest Ecology and Nature Protection
You can find specific information about the subjects of this programme in the attached study plan.
The state final exam consists of a thesis defence and an exam in four mandatory thematic areas and a diploma thesis defence:
- Adaptive Silviculture – the course mainly includes profile subjects:
Silviculture for Resilient Forests, Multifunctional Forestry and Ecosystem Services - Forest Management and Monitoring – the course mainly includes profile subjects: Adaptive Forest Management Planning, Remote Sensing
Protection of Forest Ecosystems – the course mainly includes profile subjects: Integrated Forest Protection
- Forest Bioeconomy – the course mainly includes profile subjects: Forest Bioeconomy, Forest Resources Valuation
- Diploma thesis defence
Program Outcome
Graduates of the Forest Science in Global Change master's programme will receive the academic title of Ing. and apply for one of the doctoral study programmes or demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in the field of management and protection of forest ecosystems, which is based on the study of disciplines related to woody plants and forest ecosystems in the context of the environment in which they develop. Graduates also demonstrate knowledge of technical and economic disciplines.
Career Opportunities
Graduates Will Find Employment:
- In a Wide Range of Activities Related to Forest Management,
- In International Companies Operating in The Forest Bioeconomy Sector in Europe and Beyond,
- In the Academic Sphere and In Other Institutions Dealing with Science, Research, Development, and Innovation,
- In the Bodies and Work Positions of International Institutions (eu, Un) that Deal with Issues of Forestry and The Environment.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.