Research Master in Public Administration and Organisational Science
Rotterdam, Netherlands
2 Years
Full time
01 Apr 2025
Sep 2025
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Is this the programme you're looking for?
Do you want to become able to help governments better tackle governance challenges through advanced theory-informed research and evidence-based policy advice? Then this is your MSc!
The study programme in a nutshell
During the programme you will gain in-depth knowledge about societal problems and challenges of public organisations. You will combine theories of public administration, organisational science, and management with in-depth training in research methods. There is a focus on the challenges that governments nowadays face, such as mediatization, ageing, declining trust in the government and societal fragmentation. Challenges within public organisations are analysed, such as management professional conflicts and the role of risk when innovating. After obtaining this research master you are one step ahead of other job seekers when applying for positions in research, consultancy or policy advice.
What does this study entail?
Climate change, porous borders, the knowledge economy, infectious diseases, Artificial Intelligence. The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, creating tantalising opportunities as well as wicked problems for the way in which we govern our societies.
As a student of this research programme, you will analyse how governments cope with these complex challenges. However, these challenges are no longer the sole responsibility of government institutions. Public governance occurs both in national political institutions and at local, regional, European and international levels of government, in multi-actor, multi-sectoral networks, and at the headquarters of large companies.
This master's degree is a joint programme offered by four Dutch universities: Utrecht University, Tilburg University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and the Free University of Amsterdam. The participating institutes belong to the best Public Administration and Organisation Science research groups in Europe. Their multidisciplinary, international faculties offer state-of-the-art insights into public sector governance, management and policy. All courses are taught in English.
Unique about this two-year master's programme is the intensive interaction between professors and students the personal attention and the international study climate. In the previous years, we have had students from all over the world.
About the programme
The Research Master in Public Administration and Organisational Science comprises three pillars.
First pillar: theoretical themes
The first pillar contains the core theoretical themes in the fields of Public Administration and Organisation Science, such as public policy, public management, bureaucracy and public service, and human resource management. These courses connect classic theories to cutting-edge research. Students both develop knowledge about theories and learn to apply them in research. It offers room to develop your personal interests through a tailor-made tutorial.
Second pillar: philosophy of science and research methods
The second pillar consists of a broad range of philosophy of science and research methods courses. These courses will focus both on high control designs such as experimental and survey research on low control designs such as case studies and field research. The programme will provide you with the broad basis that is needed for researchers in this field. We offer various choices in this pillar so that you can choose the modules that are most valuable to you.
Third pillar: applied and fundamental research projects
The third pillar consists of both applied and fundamental research projects, resulting in a (smaller) group thesis at the end of the first year and a (larger) individual thesis at the end of the second year. A policy-oriented research project typically involves a specific organisation or policy problem. The aim of the project is to offer advice on a current issue, and this requires you to conduct research in a real-life setting. A theory-oriented research project involves the writing of an academic article or the formulation of a detailed PhD proposal, which can serve as the basis for a future PhD project. (Please note that completing this master programme does not automatically guarantee you a PhD position).
The programme takes 24 months to complete (120 ECTS) and starts in September each year. A two-year programme is necessary in order to meet the requirements of the Research Master's Programme in the field of Public Administration and Organisational Science, theoretical competence and methodological expertise leading up to a research project, and a master's thesis that complies with the standards of an international publication.
The classes will take place at all campuses, but most of the classes are given at the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG), located in the heart of Utrecht. All courses will be taught in English. Please find an overview of the courses of the master programme below. For a description of the courses visit the website of Utrecht University.
The curriculum is subject to change. No rights can be derived from this information.
Year 1
Period 1
- Core themes and modern classics 1: Public Administration
- Philosophy of science
Period 2
- Core themes and modern classics 2: Public organisations and professionals
- Designing research in social sciences
Period 3
- Tutorial
- Method workshop 1: High control design
- Workshop survey designs or workshop experimental design
Period 4
- Craft of research workshop I: Contexts, roles and strategies
- Applied research track
Year 2
Period 1
- Core themes and modern classics 3: Transforming public governance
Period 2
- Methods workshop 2: Low control design. Workshop: Interpretative research or comparative and case study research
- Craft of research workshop 2: Analysis and persuasion
- Electives
Period 3
- Research and master thesis track
Period 4
- Craft of research workshop I: Contexts, roles and strategies
- Applied research track
Ideal Students
Is this the right programme for you?
In addition to lectures and tutorials, this master contains:
- individual and small group assignments and presentations;
- visits to knowledge institutes with leading researchers;
- a research thesis trajectory with the option to write an academic article.
Career Opportunities
Opportunities after graduating
This master’s programme prepares you for a range of careers in which theoretically informed analysis and critical assessment of research findings are essential requirements. You may continue on to PhD studies and academic career. But you are also well-positioned for roles at research institutes, think tanks, government agencies and non-profit organizations. Also, a significant number of our graduates go on to careers in consulting firms.
Towards an academic career
This programme provides students with a thorough preparation for an academic career by facilitating research within the context of university research programmes and facilitating internships and research for external parties.
(Please note that completing this master's programme does not automatically guarantee you a PhD position).
Towards a professional career
After finishing this programme, you can be a:
- University researcher
- Academic consultant
- Applied researcher
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.