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E.H.E. European University EurAka Switzerland

Europa Hochschule EurAka CH is a private Swiss university. Swiss education and higher education are global leaders and have an excellent reputation.

The offer includes bachelor's, master's (including MBA), doctorate, and DBA in the faculties of economics, technology, and medicine. They all have a common basis: they are Higher Education Swiss-made because E.H.E. Europe University EurAka is committed to the highest quality. We stand for responsible and global higher education and qualification.

Our university has a network of international partner universities and institutions in Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa. This will ensure that Swiss higher education is accessible to many students.

The concept of Employability Impact is being implemented: we equip our graduates with the skills and knowledge that employers value – thereby offering our graduates access to highly attractive international employment opportunities. This includes the personal ISO 17024 certification, as an optional part of our degree programs.

We live Higher Education Swiss-made – worldwide!

  • Therwil

    Erlenstrasse 31 4106, , Therwil

    E.H.E. European University EurAka Switzerland