Dmad - Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño interior
Dmad is a School of Architecture and Interior Design located in Madrid (Spain) that offers an innovative training plan, the Courses and Masters of the Dmad School of Design are based on learning from real cases and are accredited by the Nebrija University Madrid and the eCampus University of Italy.
In this way, the school student, in addition to receiving the necessary theoretical training, collaborates in projects that will teach them to face the challenges they will encounter when practicing their profession as an interior designer.
In Dmad, School and Interior Design Studio in Madrid, we have a wide variety of courses and Masters that cover different areas: landscaping, window dressing, management and brand image, furniture, decoration, interior styling, protocol and event organization, infographics ...
Our History
Like the great masters of architecture, Wright, Mies or Le Corbusier, they learned the profession, this system is based on training by working on real projects, collaborating from measurements to the design of constructive details. Preparing budgets or designing the brand image. In short, to ensure that our students are multidisciplinary professionals once they finish the Master.
In many subjects we work with companies in the sector and with real clients, which gives the student an experience very close to the real world of work.
Our teachers
Formed by professionals from different areas of design: interior design, architecture, fashion, photography, styling, furniture, visual merchandising, strategic design ... in them you will find, in addition to a teacher, a professional who will advise you on all your doubts about the Master and will guide you In the laboral world.
Boutique school
Small groups. Learning is personalized and reinforces the weaknesses or weaknesses of each individual student. Here you will find a family atmosphere and you will begin to weave your network of contacts within the world of design. Dmad is also a young and cosmopolitan school, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Poland, Italy, Sweden, France, England ... are some of the countries of origin of the students. With this we contribute to enrich ourselves with the mixture of all these cultures. Participating in the most relevant events is another "must" at Dmad: Madrid Design Festival, Casa Decor or DecorAcción, among others.
"The student must solve a project with solvency and self-confidence", at Dmad we have attached the utmost importance to this point, for this we have designed a study plan based on the traditional "learning the trade".
The main value of the Dmad School are its teachers, prestigious professionals whose projects set trends within the interior design and design sector in general. They guide the student in their professional career and resolve doubts outside the strictly academic field. You will also find a familiar and close environment.