College of Consultants in Public Image
We are a generator of human and material wealth that is distributed through the exercise of Consulting, Training, and Teaching of Public Image®.
Welcome to Imagen Pública®, a group of companies specialized in the management and study of verbal and non-verbal stimuli that create the interesting phenomenon of perception.
The company Consultoría en Imagen Pública® is dedicated to researching, designing, producing, and evaluating the verbal and non-verbal stimuli that its clients must implement to achieve the desired perception in their target groups. That is, we create or modify the public image of people and institutions through the development of Master Plans for Public Image®.
Our Training division offers high-performance seminars in various areas of public image, of which you teach participants to correctly handle the verbal and non-verbal stimuli that shape the perception of the living, in the exercise of their act.
- Mexico City
Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca,76A, 11000, Mexico City