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Claremont Graduate University Center for Information Systems and Technology (CISAT)

The Center for Information Systems & Technology (CISAT) prepares outstanding professionals and educators to assume leadership positions in the field of Information Systems & Technology.

With a strong grounding in software development, database systems, networking, and information systems and technology management, CISAT’s curriculum provides research-infused instruction from faculty fully devoted to IS&T scholarship and innovation. CISAT’s distinctive curricular approach integrates relevant, cutting-edge technical training with applied IS&T experience, educating graduates who solve real problems for real people in business, health care, satellite systems, and more.

Demonstrate your commitment and readiness to succeed in business school by taking the GMAT exam – the most widely used exam for admissions that measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills. Download the GMAT mini quiz to get a flavour of the questions you’ll find in the exam.

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  • Claremont

    150 E. 10th Street, CA 91711, Claremont

    Claremont Graduate University Center for Information Systems and Technology (CISAT)