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Centre of Research and Postgraduate Studies of Veracruz (Centro Veracruzano de Investigación y Posgrado)

The VERACRUZANO RESEARCH AND POSTGRADUATE CENTER is an institution at the service of society. It is guided by international quality standards that can be observed in its study programs and teaching staff.

• It is based on the principles of the humanist paradigm that attracts knowledge and knowledge in awareness of human value as an essential part of their training and education.

• Our philosophy constitutes the conceptual framework that inspires our daily work; expresses our values ​​and the aspiration to collaborate, from the field of teaching and research to development in Mexico.

  • Xalapa-Enríquez

    Calle 21 de Agosto,19, 91140, Xalapa-Enríquez

    Centre of Research and Postgraduate   Studies of Veracruz (Centro Veracruzano de Investigación y Posgrado)