Master in Audiovisual Innovation & Interactive Environments
Barcelona, Spain
1 Years
Full time
13 Oct 2025
01 Oct 2025
EUR 9,730
Develop interactive audiovisual environments and experiences for recreational, cultural, exhibition, and/or commercial spaces that generate unique emotions for users.
The need for technicians and creatives who understand interactive media and generative language; who can see and understand the possibilities and limits of technology as a creative and narrative tool; and who know how to propose and create projects or prototypes that make use of such possibilities and validate their ideas.
This Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Innovation and Interactive Environments is composed of four interrelated thematic modules that deal with the disciplines and themes of visual culture; art and new media; real-time video; off-screen audiovisual; motion graphics; generative graphics; physical interaction design; tangible interaction; interaction systems design; interactive narrative; generative audio; musical composition and sound design; electronic prototyping; the design, control, and simulation of light; digital manufacturing; wearables; virtual reality; mathematics and physics for audiovisual...
Students must develop a Master's Degree Final Project in which the acquired knowledge is applied to demonstrate that they have mastered these technical and creative skills with a sufficient degree of audiovisual and/or interactive innovation, and determine the feasibility of the project (budget, subsidies) and its positioning (art market, institutions, festivals).
This master's degree is aimed at audiovisual students from all disciplines (directors, producers, lighting engineers, soundtrack creators, and sound designers, as well as programmers, animators, and graphic designers in general), Audiovisual Communication, Fine Arts, and Design students who are interested in technology, new media, and interactivity; as well as professionals and engineering students who wish to acquire a deeper understanding of creativity in digital audiovisual media and interaction and want to expand their visual and aesthetic culture. The course is also intended for Architecture, interior design, and scenography professionals and students who are interested in incorporating technology and new audiovisual media into the space, and for artists of all disciplines who are seeking a new field for experimentation in technology and audiovisuals.
In collaboration with ACCIÓ.

* Laptop required.
- Syllabus
Module 1 - Theoretical foundations of the new media
This module is an introduction to artistic, aesthetic, technical and non-linear narrative theoretical foundations. It will cover concepts and basic terminology, as well as the corpus of notable projects in the field of audiovisual and interactive innovation.
- Computational Art: References and future visions
- General culture related in the field
- Historical references and state of the Art
- Interactive narrative
- Interactive audiovisual narrative: Web documentaries, scenography, and participatory projects
- Introduction to creative and generative programming
- Computational Thinking
Module 2 - Audiovisual innovation
This module provides practical immersion in the new languages and real time audiovisual technologies, based on both algorithmic methodologies (through the code made by students using open source platforms) and the use of specific commercial software.
- Real-Time Video. Artistic References: Visual music, experimental cinema, live cinema, VJ.
- Off-Screen Audiovisuals. Artistic References. Perception and perspective, Mapping, Pixel mapping.
- Generative Graphics. Artistic References. Algorithmic systems. Processing.
- Lighting Design, Control, and Simulation. Light and perception. Artistic references. DMX, 3D simulation.
- Generative Audio and Sound Design. Artistic References. Sound synthesis, sampling, dsp, PD, Audacity, analysis Audio, communication, and interaction; psychoacoustics and perception, immersion, generative audio, and music AI.
Module 3 - Interaction
This module presents the concepts and technical tools that are essential to understanding and creating non-linear projects in which the spectator becomes a participant and the controller of the audiovisual piece.
- Tangible Interaction and Integration of Interactive Systems
- Interaction Design Theory and Interactive Communication
- Physical Installations and Full-Body Interfaces
- Communication Protocols: OSC, MIDI, PHP, etc.
- Tangible Interactive Systems: Embedded interaction, among others
- Physical Interaction Design
- Electronic Programming with Arduino
- Wireless Systems for Physical Interaction
- Prototyping, Digital Fabrication, and Creative Robotics
- Virtual Reality, Simulations, and 3D Digital Environments
Module 4 - Master's Degree Final Project
The Final Project (TFM) is a multidisciplinary project that integrates innovative technologies, processes and languages through a critical and coherent dialogue. The TFM can take the form of an interactive installation, a digital scenography, an interactive object or any other format that has been analysed during the master's degree.
The TFM, carried out in groups of 3-4 students, must be presented and defended before a panel of experts and media professionals who will evaluate its potential and implementation.
Career Opportunities
- Creative director.
- Art director.
- Programmer.
- Curator or designer (visual and/or sound) specializing in audiovisual shows, interactive installations, audiovisual instruments, digital scenography, creative programming, electroacoustic music composition, digital art, interactive and wearable products, interactive digital interior design and window dressing, generative design, museography.