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Aalborg Business College


Welcome to Aalborg Business College Aalborg Business College has 4 campuses in Aalborg, specialized on vocational or academic education and training.

Welcome to Aalborg Business College

Aalborg Business College has 4 campuses in Aalborg, specialized on vocational or academic education and training.

With more than 3000 students and 330 employees Aalborg Business College fulfils an important role in the Northern Denmark region. The annual turnover is more than 200 million Danish Kroner.


Since our foundation in 1875, Aalborg Business College developed from being an evening school offering courses for retail trainees and retail supervisors to a modern business college, providing upper secondary education programmes for young people aged 16-19.

We work in three areas:

  • EUD Business /EUX Business – basic training in retail/trade and office work
  • HHX – upper secondary education within the field of retail/trade and office work (higher commercial examination)
  • Courses – training programmes for private enterprises and the public sector (e.g. IT, languages, economics, sales and communication).
  • International Collaboration
  • Aalborg Business College has a large number of partner institutions in both Europe and at overseas destinations.


Aalborg Business College is a self-governing, state-funded institution. The Board is a democratic construction representing local business, employees and students. Aalborg Business College’s Management is innovative and flexible and highly specialised.

Governance at Aalborg Business College is strategic and focuses on five areas:

  • education for business
  • international outlook
  • digital innovation
  • attractiveness and efficiency
  • cooperation and empathy


The main activity of Aalborg Business College is to offer national programmes for vocational and business education and training in Denmark.

These programmes are regulated and supported by the Danish Ministry of Education, and by a large number of advisory bodies, including representatives from our own industry committees and various labour market organisations.

Our goal is clear: to establish modern learning environments, where Aalborg Business College actively supports the current development of applied methodology, combining interdisciplinary learning, integration of theory and practice as well as blended learning.


  • Aalborg Business College was established in 1875 and is now a self-governing public institution
  • HHX – Higher Commercial Diploma
    • Students: 1,600
  • EUX/EUD Business - Professional Apprenticeship Studies
    • Students: 750
  • Course Section
    • Course participants – 6,000
  • Staff and lectures
    • Approx 320 in all
  • Turnover is 200 million Kroner.
  • Four campuses

  • Aalborg

    Strandvejen,25, 9000, Aalborg

      Institution also offers:

      Aalborg Business College